Teaching, Learning and assessment in Higher Education Institutions.

This book analyzes and discusses university teaching and learning practices and delivery modes. It also explores the justifications or reasons to transform the traditional teaching and learning approaches and delivery modes in higher education institutions.

  • Author Shaima AlMulla
  • Publish Date 2021
  • Language English & Arabic

About the Book

The book stresses on the importance of implementing fundamental changes in university education. Currently it depends heavily upon students’ class attendance, written exams and graduation after spending numerous years in academic learning to finally obtain a degree. This system has been followed by universities for centuries.

However, there has been a rapid change in the world and recent trends suggest that having inter-personal and social skills are preferred over university degrees. Therefore, it has become inevitable to change with the times and reform the systems adopted by universities. The traditional system has proved to be a failure particularly after its inability to combat COVID-19 pandemic as it failed to generate skilled workforce needed by labor market, leading to widespread unemployment among universities graduates.

The need of the hour is to prepare students to enter into a volatile environment and equip them with appropriate skills, knowledge, values, and attributes to thrive in it. Concerned universities must adapt their mode of teaching required to fulfill these needs of the real world.

It is vital to understand the requirements of a working life and reformulate the concept of knowledge in learning institutions based on those requirements. Universities must foster stronger connections with professional life through various academic projects providing authentic opportunities to learn both generic and professional competencies as well as to build networks and pathways for employment after graduation.

The importance of this book:

The importance of this book is that it discusses the necessity of change in the higher education institutions. The book’s importance stems from the various solutions and proposals it offers for shaping the future in these institutions, which adapt a vital role in building societies and countries.

The targeted readers of this book:

The targeted readers of this book are academics and all those who are concerned with teaching and learning in higher education, such as:

  • Faculty members and teachers at higher education institutions
  • Academic leaders of the higher education institutions
  • Individuals in charge for setting standards and mechanism of academic accreditation.
  • State's decision-makers and policymakers in the field of education.
  • Higher education students and students of graduate studies.
  • Critics and those interested in analyzing and assessing the realities of university education.